Vous trouverez ici plusieurs cartes et « battlemaps » de ma composition pour votre usage en jeu de rôles. Sauf mention contraire ces cartes sont à l’échelle de 25 pixels par mètre, ce qui donne pour une grille classique (dans Fantasy Grounds par exemple) des cases de 50 pixels et de deux mètres (ou éventuellement 5 pieds) ; compressées et optimisées pour un transfert rapide par table virtuelle de jdr. Toutes sont sous licence Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0.
Originellement conçues pour ma campagne des Milles trônes de Warhammer, elles peuvent être adaptées pour beaucoup d’usage.
English: you’ll find here several rpg battle and regular maps, mostly for virtual tabletop software like Fantasy Grounds. Unless otherwise stated, all are 25 pixels by meter (meaning on a classic 50px grid a 2 meters or somewhat 5 feet for a 50px token). All are published under a Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-SA international license.
Underground cave complex, 2 exit points, lower left some spider activity, lower right a camp maybe a goblin one, a central tomb, and an underground river on the top right.
Some houses in a small rural towns, with a river, a wheel activating some wood-chopping activities, and probably a tavern and a small horse pen, near the town stonewalls.
Small part of a huge refugees camps, with tents, wagons, some mules and horses, firecamp, and such. By night, with light from fires.
Part of a huge refugees camps, with tents, wagons, some mules and horses, firecamp, and such. By night, with light from fires.
Small part of a huge refugees camps, with tents, wagons, some mules and horses, firecamp, and such. By day.
Part of a huge refugees camps, with tents, wagons, some mules and horses, firecamp, and such. By day.
A huge camp centered on a smaller fortified one surrounded by forest and a river through them. Not too many details.
A fortified camp with wealthy huge tents and some regular ones, maybe nobles and soldiers, and a horse pen. Some smaller camps outsider with tents and wagons. By night.
A fortified camp with wealthy huge tents and some regular ones, maybe nobles and soldiers, and a horse pen. Some smaller camps outsider with tents and wagons. By day.
A camp in a forest clearing, with big tents and some feast on a huge table. Maybe a somewhat permanent camp for successful bandits?
Part of the surroundings of a plague villa, interiors on another battlemap
Interiors of each of the four floors of the plague villa, exterior and surroundings on another battlemap
2014-08-07 edit: added surroundings & interiors of the Plague Villa (from Warhammer Thousand Thrones).
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